Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our One Year Wedding Anniversary

Today Chris and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. How exciting! I told Chris that my favorite thing that happened our first year was the birth of our son Elyas, Chris told me that his favorite thing was...well he told me he'd get back to me on that because he had to think about it. I don't blame him. In a year we had so much happen, and we both feel that many good things happened to us.

Our wedding day was the perfect day.
We moved into a bigger home.
We were able to move closer to family.
We had a beautiful baby boy.
Chris was able to apply for graduation.
Chris was accepted into OSU.

I'm sure there are things that I'm missing, but these are just a few that come to mind. I'm sure bad things happened to us too, but really I can't remember, I've had such a great year.

Today we celebrated by going on a hike. We both love the outdoors, and we both love to hike...awesome. We got there a little late though and we were bummed that we had a time limit. We had exactly an hour to hike, so we had to take the short hike. It was still beautiful and fun, but we both have an adventurer in us that wanted to step off the main path into side trails that took us on a longer hike, but out of fear of having our car locked up we stayed on the main trail.

After the hike we had a fun and very yummy dinner at home.

My mom and sister watched Elyas for us today so we just enjoyed every minute that we could until it was time to go get him. When we did Elyas tried to jump out of Uncle Bryan's arms to daddy, it was so cute. He had fun, but he was happy to see us...and visa versa, we had fun, but it was good to see our little guy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing with us such a wonderful moment! You are an inspiration to me girl and Im thankful we can share our life even if we are so far away!

    Love you tons
