Friday, June 4, 2010


I had been feeling sick for quite a while and thought it was the weirdest flu I ever had because the thought of food, except for certain cravings, made me noxious. I became very suspicious of this weird symptom and told Chris that we better get a pregnancy test, so we bought two. On Valentine’s day I woke up and took the test. It instantly said I was pregnant. My mouth dropped. I went out to Chris calm and said, well I better take another test tomorrow just to be sure. He thought that meant it had been a negative test result. I then continued my sentence, “Because it says we’re pregnant. Chris was like “Don’t tell anyone, we have to be sure." So the next morning we took another test. It too instantly said I was pregnant. So we called the doctor and made an appointment. I still wasn’t suppose to tell anyone because we wanted to be sure it was real. The doctor congratulated us when he walked in the room, the blood test was a positive. So Yes, I’m 23 Weeks and 5 days pregnant today. I suppose you want to know what I’m having too…It’s A Boy! :)

We are both so excited and happy and we can't wait. I'm Due Septemper 28th.


  1. Congratulations!! Boys are always best to have first because they are soooo much easier to care for than girls!!
