Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

It’s Christmas!  We had so much fun.

The morning was spent at Grandma & Grandpa Suchanski’s house (Kim’s Parents); Grandpa Suchanski wasn’t able to be home for Christmas this year, we hope he gets better soon. We love you Grandpa!!!

There were so many goodies from Santa; tons of presents and a multitude of candies.

It was fun to be able to share Christmas morning with Grandma Suchanski, Uncle Bryan, Aunt Tiffy, Dominique, & Kylie.

A Gift to Elyas from Uncle Bryan 

Elyas had to check and see if everyone was looking

Kylie opens her gifts from Uncle Bryan

Aunt Tiffy opens her gift from Uncle Bryan

Kim opens her gift from Uncle Bryan

Chris opens his gift from Uncle Bryan

Grandma Suchanski opens her gifts from Uncle Bryan

Elyas loves his present from Uncle Bryan

Santa got Elyas a toy car!

Santa got Kylie a toy car too!

Chris trying on Elyas's new shoes from Santa

It's Tigger!

Okay Uncle Bryan, when I tell you, look up.
Good, you are now under my spell Uncle Bryan
Kim telling November that she is opening her gift
Winnie the Pooh...Elyas will be so jealous!

Santa brought Elyas Legos!

 Christmas afternoon and evening were spent at Grandma Johnson’s; it was fun.  We unintentionally and regrettably didn’t get any photos of the Johnson Family Christmas; maybe next year, but in the mean time we will definitely have to work on taking pictures.  We opened the traditional stockings and Elyas had a bunch of presents under the Christmas tree to open.  He got some cool trucks to play with and some really cool pajamas.  After we opened presents we had Christmas dinner; it was delicious.

While we got ready for dinner Elyas learned how to go up and down the stairs; with help of course.  We visited for a while after dinner and then Shirley volunteered to watch Elyas so that we could go visit Kim’s dad at the hospital.

We were able to visit Grandpa Suchanski for a good amount of time and we were so glad that we did.  This was our third visit with him this week and he was doing so much better than the first 2 visits.

We ended the night by picking up Kim’s mom and taking her for a Christmas light peep ride.  We took her over to the best lit and most spectacularly decorated neighborhood in Newberg; it was really cool.

We had a Very Merry Christmas and we hope you did too.